Information about +251 11 552 3520

Trace Owner details of +251 11 552 3520


+251 11 552 3520 is business number, listed for Wegagen Bank S.C. - Shala Menafesha Area Branch. Wegagen Bank S.C. - Shala Menafesha Area Branch is a Bank in Ethiopia. The contact address of +251 11 552 3520 is Djibuti St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. More information for +251 11 552 3520 can be found on their website Wegagen Bank S.C. - Shala Menafesha Area Branch business has a rating of 3.3 out of 5.

Business Name Wegagen Bank S.C. - Shala Menafesha Area Branch
Business Location Ababa
Business Address Djibuti St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Business Website
Business Rating 3.3
Business Category Bank

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