Information about +251911006903

Trace Owner details of +251911006903


+251911006903 is business number, listed for Habtamu electronics center. Habtamu electronics center is a Electronics store in Ethiopia. The contact address of +251911006903 is Ayana, Ethiopia.

Business Name Habtamu electronics center
Business Location Ayana
Business Address Ayana, Ethiopia
Business Category Electronics store

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
251930512730 Amanuel Electronic
251922257586 Kegna Mobile Center Arjo
251917039403 Waaqgarri Margaa/Mulualem Waaqgarri
251932675790 ha?b super market
251966710346 AB ?? ??
Cell Number Business Name
251919994967 ROZA
251955195392 Ethionorthtrekking
251962520160 Taye Belay Gondar Hotel
251911028684 Mohamud Aadan
251909424440 Geeraare

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