Information about +251945425232

Trace Owner details of +251945425232


+251945425232 is business number, listed for Lalibela tour guide. Lalibela tour guide is a Travel agency in Ethiopia. The contact address of +251945425232 is cener of lalibela Lalibela, 1000, Ethiopia.

Business Name Lalibela tour guide
Business Pincode 1000
Business Address cener of lalibela Lalibela, 1000, Ethiopia
Business Category Travel agency

Browse Other Numbers:

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251910879046 Gondar City Hall
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251928955522 TECNO Exclusive muluken shop gonder
251905459478 CBE Birr Agent - ANSHO
251581118399 Jantekel Hotel
Cell Number Business Name
251928466431 CBE Birr Agent - Delegie
251988020202 Herfazy Hotel
251912949475 Belegez Pension
251925335080 Bahir Dar Industrial Park
251582264946 Amhara National Regional State Technical & Vocational Enterprise Development

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