Information about +251 91 769 7955

Trace Owner details of +251 91 769 7955


+251 91 769 7955 is business number, listed for CBE Birr Agent - PAWI TOWN. The contact address of +251 91 769 7955 is PAWI PAWI TOWN, PAWI KETEMA Keb 02, Ethiopia.

Business Name CBE Birr Agent - PAWI TOWN
Business Address PAWI PAWI TOWN, PAWI KETEMA Keb 02, Ethiopia

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+251 96 244 0414 CBE Birr Agent - FINOTE SELAM 04
+251 99 475 0337 CBE Birr Agent - Dembecha
+251 91 052 2631 CBE Birr Agent - FERES BET
+251 58 111 8273 Ibex Hospitsl
+251 94 170 6659 ????
Cell Number Business Name
+251 98 824 3273 CBE Birr Agent - Azezo
+251 99 519 1738 CBE Birr Agent - Koladiba
+251 91 813 8016 CBE Birr Agent - Koladiba
+251 91 835 0860 Florida International Hotel
+251 97 565 2999 Taye Belay Hotel

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