Information about +251947755837

Trace Owner details of +251947755837


+251947755837 is business number, listed for bullen. bullen is a Ethiopian restaurant in Ethiopia. The contact address of +251947755837 is Ethiopia.

Business Name bullen
Business Address Ethiopia
Business Category Ethiopian restaurant

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
251930866440 Habesha Cultural Restaurant
251967732460 Hawa Islamic Restaurant
251475590427 King Odiel Restaurant
251113720607 Yod Abyssinia Cultural Restaurant
251993162544 CBE Birr Agent - DEGA
Cell Number Business Name
251941302306 CBE Birr Agent - GISH ABAY
251913969513 Amarech kafie(???? ?? ) ??? ??
251921580240 CBE Birr Agent - GISHI ABAY
251929323566 CBE Birr Agent - MERAWI
251947039958 CBE Birr Agent - MERAWI

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