Information about +251905529781

Trace Owner details of +251905529781


+251905529781 is business number, listed for Girma Buliding. Girma Buliding is a Shopping mall in Ethiopia. The contact address of +251905529781 is C33, Chagni, Ethiopia.

Business Name Girma Buliding
Business Location Chagni
Business Address C33, Chagni, Ethiopia
Business Category Shopping mall

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
251948007379 Gojjam Grocery Shop
251913463901 Bole Condeminiamo
902163219000 Yapi Merkezi - AKH Railway - Ethiopia
251925222317 Ayele Electronics
251909855961 Wubet Hotel
Cell Number Business Name
251918713099 Ahmede
251112362006 Ambo University
251921342222 addis general electronics
251929448423 HABTEWOLD ABEBE
251913653420 Mesfin Getachew Motti

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