Information about +251 92 256 3469

Trace Owner details of +251 92 256 3469


+251 92 256 3469 is business number, listed for B.K.M electronics plc. The contact address of +251 92 256 3469 is 01 sl, 0000, Ethiopia.

Business Name B.K.M electronics plc
Business Pincode 0000
Business Address 01 sl, 0000, Ethiopia

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+251 11 372 7646 Bethany Christian Services
+251 11 155 0300 Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat
+251 91 203 8029 Haile Wako Integrated Farm
+251 99 108 5143 Asebe Teferi Substation
+251 25 551 0333 West Hararghe Zone ADP/OPDO Official
Cell Number Business Name
+251 91 109 7336 Bigo live
+251 91 329 5760 Shenen Kolu Woreda FEC Office
+251 91 208 0894 Begejo Village
+251 46 220 7742 Save The Children

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