Information about +251 91 843 5197

Trace Owner details of +251 91 843 5197


+251 91 843 5197 is business number, listed for CBE Birr Agent - Dil yibza. The contact address of +251 91 843 5197 is Beyeda town wati kebele Beyeda, Dil Yibza, Ethiopia.

Business Name CBE Birr Agent - Dil yibza
Business Location Yibza
Business Address Beyeda town wati kebele Beyeda, Dil Yibza, Ethiopia

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+251 91 118 3330 CBE Birr Agent - METEHARA
+251 91 291 0694 INJIBARA UNIVERSITY
+251 92 158 0240 CBE Birr Agent - GISHI ABAY
+251 91 870 2274 CBE Birr Agent - DURBETE
Cell Number Business Name
+251 91 865 3164 CBE Birr Agent - ADET
+251 98 485 7907 CBE Birr Agent - FENDIKA
+251 98 285 1779 CBE Birr Agent - DEJEN
+251 91 005 7960 CBE Birr Agent - DERBA
+251 94 474 6018 CBE Birr Agent - Addis Ababa

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