Ethiopia Telephone Directory

Trace Ethiopia Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 265 Ethiopia Businesses on Pincode 1000. Ethiopia has a population of 107,534,882 and there are thousands of businesses in Ethiopia whose numbers are available for Ethiopia Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Ethiopia Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 265 businesses number on pincode 1000 in Ethiopia.

Cell Number Business Name
251911262131 Ethiopian Music Store
251944735942 Guzomart
251962985201 Hellocash Cbo Agent Melekam Manaye Writing Service
251912196327 ??? ?????
251944735942 Guzomart
251982048770 Hadas Souvenirs Shop Lalibela
251115515257 Aram Sarafian Trading P.L.C.: Industrial Supplies, Tools & Accessories
251966090202 ??? ??????
251918789797 Befikir Kossoye Ecology Lodge
251911562964 Eyob Business Center
251910372417 Al Hassan Food Industries
251946444559 Hellocash Smfi Wardher Branch
251929258310 Hellocash Smfi Danan Branch
251966215602 Technostyle Group
251907010101 Haile Resort Gondar
251973717070 NUYIF CAFE
251946444559 Hellocash Smfi Wardher Branch
251918789797 Befikir Kossoye Ecology Lodge
251920088270 Segenet Guest House
251930655218 DAVE doro wot
251918768616 EthioTours
251913799614 zenar leather products
251904863570 Birhan general shop
251992806455 Abadit coffee house
251932203086 Tsadkan Mini market
Cell Number Business Name
251978195029 Berhan Milk shop
251914380251 Abadit Mininmarket
251914284845 Berhane Minimarket
251914315002 Yordanos Hotel
251914481616 Ashenafi Video Center
251913271123 Bahre Negash International Resort
251929112370 Hansa Horticulture PLC
251115157600 Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa
251973991710 Grumlife online shopping
251914757814 Lwam Hotel
251914730898 Fiseha Hotel
251914167316 LK Pension
251115184600 Marriott Executive Apartments Addis Ababa
251115157600 Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa
251115171717 Sheraton Addis, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Addis Ababa
251115184600 Marriott Executive Apartments Addis Ababa
251462201616 South Star International Hotel
251966034137 Subael Tube
251911687358 Mukash Fashion - ??? ???
251913271123 Bahre Negash International Resort
251911807071 Midako Publishing
251911444257 Adiyie pharmacy
251911024047 Nigus Palace Hotel
13145183939 Capra walia hotel
251911534834 EthioTours


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Ethiopia like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Ethiopia Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 5.3630